What Are Your Internal Dialogues Trying to Protect You From?

By Concentric Therapist Intern Mara Hundrieser-Acosta, B.A. (Clinical Mental Health Counselor M.A.)

I know I am not the only one that has internal conversations with different parts of myself. Just going back and forth with what I should have done, said, or even experienced. I recently lost my mother to cancer. When someone asks me “How are you doing? I answer with “ I am doing ok, just taking it one day at a time.” but on the inside, my brain is struggling. The actual answer in my mind is, “ I miss my mom, I wish I could see her.” and then another part of my mind answers “I have to cook dinner, wash clothes, put them away, and so much more to do, I feel so overwhelmed.” and another part says, “People will think you don’t have a handle on your life if you let them know how you truly feel.” So, I end up giving a generic answer and smile. 

The conversation inside my mind keeps going even though on the outside I am smiling and making small talk. Sometimes when we have been through hard times, we develop a strong voice that keeps us “in check.” When we view this through an Internal Family Systems (IFS) lens, it's called a Manager. We all have these internal conversations. No, there is nothing wrong with us; it’s just part of how we take care of ourselves internally. You might wonder what I mean about how we take care of ourselves internally. We all go back and forth with all of our parts to try to navigate our lives through stress, anxiety, depression, painful situations, and trauma. Through IFS we can learn what these parts need in order to feel at peace in our life. 

“IFS guides us to offer deep understanding and credible help to the critic and the innumerable other parts who populate our clients’ inner worlds, some of whom long to transform but are stuck in extreme, destructive roles.” -Schwartz & Sweezy (2020)

What is IFS?

Internal Family Systems (IFS), a model of therapy and an approach to better understand ourselves, was developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz. He has worked on the development of IFS for over 40 years.  Dr. Schwartz holds a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy and was trained to view and understand people through a systematic lens.  After years of working with families and individuals, Dr. Schwartz noticed how clients would speak about their different inner parts. Just like I shared my internal dialogue about being asked about me in relation to my mother. 

While in session with clients, Dr. Schwartz’s patients would share how they would go back and forth with different parts of themselves.  Dr. Schwartz noticed those parts also operate within a system similar to how a system of family operates. For example, a family system consists of different family members, roles or parts (e.g. parents, children) that interact with each other.  

If we look at humanity or systems with a very wide lens, we notice a system is always in place, starting with our solar system. Dr. Schwartz was able to recognize there is a system that consists of people’s inner parts.  These parts are called Managers, Firefighters, and Exiles. These parts have developed to protect us from harm, trauma, and difficult experiences that have left a wound inside our psyche. They all have a specific role that falls under a three-group system. All of our parts are good, even though they might seem mean or aggressive at times. 

The goal of IFS is to help people become Self-led, which means that their various parts feel loved by the Self and trust the Self’s leadership. IFS therapy has a gentle way to ease the pain of people’s experiences and parts and to help navigate the internal turmoil one often faces throughout life. 

The Roles of Parts: A Three-Group System

In order to understand further this three-group system we need to understand that each group or also called protective parts (Managers, Exiles, and Firefighters) doesn't have just one personality. There are different kinds of Managers; each one has its own role to play, as well as the Exiles and the Firefighters to protect us internally. These three-group systems work with each other and sometimes what feels like against each other in order to keep us safe internally. 

In other words…

One group tends to be highly protective, strategic, and interested in controlling the internal or external environment to keep things safe. In IFS, we call the members of this group Managers

A second group contains the most sensitive members of the system. When these parts feel injured or outraged, Managers will banish them for their own protection and the good of the whole system. We call them Exiles

A third group tries to stifle, anesthetize, or distract from the feelings of Exiles, reacting powerfully and automatically, without concern for consequences, to their distress as well as to the over-inhibition of Managers. We call these members Firefighters

Trauma & Internal Family Systems 

According to Schwartz & Sweezy (2020), internal systems (parts) that are responding to trauma not only divide into these roles, but the protective parts (Managers and Firefighters) also form alliances and get into conflicts with each other and can be very harsh or smothering with the Exile they are trying to protect or ward off. The sadder, more terrified, ashamed, rageful, or sexually charged an Exile is, the more protectors legitimately fear its release and the more extreme they become in their efforts to suppress and constrain them. In turn, the more an exile is suppressed, the more it tries to break out. In this way all three groups become victims of an escalating cycle of internecine* conflict. 

*internecine: destructive to both sides in a conflict.

Example: The more ashamed I feel about a traumatic event that happened to me the more scared the Managers and Firefighters are of me releasing or admitting this shame. So, the Managers and Firefighters will try really hard for me to suppress that shame. Which can mean one can begin to use drugs and alcohol to control that shame, or become very narcissistic in order to push it way down. The Managers and Firefighters believe that if one releases or admits this shame, it (the part) will ultimately fall apart. 

Childhood & Internal Family Systems

The Self can be forceful and protective. Children who have experienced developmental trauma or any abuse of their independence, spontaneity, leadership (or other traits that rely on courage themselves) begin to suppress their courageous side. It takes tremendous courage to go toward terrifying places in the psyche. Many protectors avoid stepping out of their roles because they believe the person would be weak and passive without them. Protectors always have intense fears about allowing clients to open the door to Exiles they locked away years ago in inner dark places. When a client says they are afraid to do something, we know a part in their inner world is speaking. But once the part understands the fearless nature of the Self, its fear (and emotional pain, shame, and rage) surrenders.

IFS Therapy has 4 Goals:

  1. To liberate parts from the roles they have been forced into, freeing them to be who they were designed to be.

  2. To restore faith in The Self and in Self-Leadership.

  3. To re-harmonize the inner system.

  4. To encourage the person or client to become increasingly Self-led in their interactions with the world.

So, What Does This All Mean? 

The intention of IFS is for the client to access, experience, and be Self-led, to feel safe, to learn their inner world, and understand how their parts work together or against each other in order to protect them. The more we learn and understand about our parts and what they are trying to tell us; it then becomes easier to identify when they get activated. Understanding who we are, where we have been, and what has hurt us, is what is going to give us the opportunities to heal ourselves. The end goal is to be able to be our own saviors, but to get there we must be willing to surrender and be open to learning. 

Once a person experiences faith in The Self and in Self-leadership, the IFS therapist seeks to help the client develop the Eight C’s. 

The Eight C’s

Curiosity: The client learns to be inquisitive, and have interest rather than be judgmental or fearful. This is where one comes with no agenda, one just wants to learn, know, and understand. There is a sense of feeling at ease and moving forward with wonder. There is a sense of safety that opens the door to vulnerability. 

Calm: After being in a high alert state, where one’s nervous system is often aroused, Self-leadership does the opposite by creating a sense of calm that is both physical and mental. The client is able to accept life on its own terms and there is a sense of resilience and assertiveness. 

Courage: When a client says they are afraid to do something in the inner world, we know a part is speaking. But once the part understands the fearless nature of The Self, its fear (and emotional pain, shame, and rage) surrenders. 

Confidence: The Self validates and comforts its Exiles bringing about an infectious air of confidence, conveying to protector parts that it is safe to relax instead of trying to “let it go and move on” (the typical protector advice that encourages people to abandon and isolate their burdened young parts), injuries can be healed. When Exiles are unburdened, the system becomes less delicate and less reactive, and protective parts are more inclined to trust Self-leadership

Connectedness: The Self, in its natural state, experiences the sense of connectedness. Instead of trying really hard to obtain a connection with someone, through trauma bonding.  The Self can now move through the world in harmony. Connectedness links with calm and confidence which altogether links up The Divine

The Divine: Through extensive research by Dr. Richard Schwartz this is what he describes as The Divine. “Though they used different words, all the esoteric traditions within the major religions – Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam – emphasized their same core belief: we are sparks of the eternal flame, manifestations of the absolute ground of being. It turns out that the Divine within – what the Christians call the soul or Christ Consciousness, Buddhists call Buddha Nature, the Hindus Atman, the Taoists Tao, the Sufis the Beloved, the Quakers the Inner Light.” 

Clarity: One can see things more clearly. The distortions are no longer in effect and the extreme beliefs ease as one can see authenticity. Our vision is clear when we see through the eyes of the Self versus when our vision is distorted through the eyes of extreme parts.

Creativity: It’s believed that once the inner turmoil and constant struggle start to quiet down and The Self becomes the leader (aka Self-led), creativity can emerge naturally. This means once the managers start to relax, we can problem-solve with greater ease which becomes second nature. 

Compassion:  Once a client finds some separation or healthy distance from their angry or scared part, they can now see these parts from a compassionate lens.  They can express how sad or sorry they are for those parts and are willing to help them heal. This inherent desire to help their suffering parts signifies and taps into compassion. 

I hope that after reading all this information there is a part of you that feels compelled to explore IFS. I want to say to “the part” of you that has that interest, that feels like it has been lost, in pain, or any other unresolved feelings; you are important and you deserve to be seen and heard. If you are wondering which part that might be, I am talking to your Self-led part; the part that might be hiding in the shadows for a while. 

We live in a time where we are overworked, overwhelmed, on the go, not getting enough sleep, expecting to be everything and nothing at all, where we have to walk on eggshells, but make a difference. It’s no wonder that our Self-led part feels so overwhelmed and just lost. This is the time when we need to slow down and rebel; which translates to going inside, getting curious about your parts, and reconnecting to who we truly are meant to be.

I know it might sound like a big ask, yet if you go back and read about The Eight C’s and imagine experiencing them, I think it’s all worth the journey of healing. The idea of feeling liberated is what motivates me through the IFS lens. I wish for you and my clients to feel liberated from whatever has been holding you back from being your most authentic self and be connected to your Divine

So, next time you have those internal conversations bring awareness to what each part is saying, and ask them what they truly need. They are trying to protect you even if they might sound very harsh or act maladaptively; they just haven’t learned a better way, yet, to communicate with you. Even if you don’t think you have the power within you to heal, to reframe those inner dialogues; you actually do, it’s inside you.

Resources for Consideration

Books: IFS online store | IFS Institute 

Videos: Dr. Richard Schwartz explains Internal Family Systems (IFS) Dr. Richard Schwartz Has A Radical Approach To Healing

Podcast: Multiplicity of the Mind: An Approach To Healing the Inner Self | Dr. Richard Schwartz X Rich Roll

What is EMDR and How It Helps Trauma & Mental Health

By Concentric Counselor and EMDR Trained Therapist Bailey Amis, LPC

The Uber you’re in turns onto the highway and you freeze. Your body feels tense, you notice in your shoulders clench up and a tightness in your chest. Your heart rate picks up and you begin to sweat. You can almost see the car wreck you were in three months ago. It’s like it’s happening all over again, and you can feel the fear from that moment. You continue to brace for impact, but it never comes. You arrive at your destination safely, but it takes hours for the tension and fear to fade. You wonder, will I ever be able to ride comfortably in a car again?

The experience described above is a trauma response. A trigger (being in a car and getting on the highway) is communicating to the body and brain that the person is in danger. The mind thinks it is experiencing the traumatic event in the here-and-now and responds accordingly causing your body to tense up and prepare for impact. These physical reactions trigger the emotions that were felt during the original car wreck. Even though nothing has happened during this car ride the body and brain aren’t getting the message that everything is okay. The brain is stuck in the traumatic experience. This can feel hopeless--but it’s not.

What Is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Developed in 1989 by Francine Shapiro, is a psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to access and process traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences. Through this processing, the brain synthesizes the experience and distress levels lower.

Reorganizing your brain’s “filing cabinet”

Imagine the brain’s memory network like a long row of filing cabinets. A typical, non-traumatic, memory gets stored nicely and neatly in the cabinets. We can “pull up” the memory (or file) and our brains and bodies know it is in the past, even if it isn’t a pleasant memory. When we experience trauma, the memory doesn’t get stored quite right. Imagine that rather than being filed nicely, the memory is crumpled up and thrown on top of the cabinet. Instead of our brain having to sift through the past to think about the memory, it is already right there. Anytime there is a trigger, the memory is too easily accessible, and our brain gets confused thinking that we are still experiencing the traumatic event every single time we remember it.

EMDR processing helps the brain learn that the memory is in the past. Once processed, although we may still have an emotional reaction to that memory, our body and brain understand that it was in the past and we don’t have the physical reaction, negative thoughts, or images related to the memory anymore. The memory has now been filed neatly in the file cabinet. The processing greatly reduces or eliminates our responses to triggers, allowing for more freedom of movement through the world without worry of encountering a trigger and having a trauma response.

Limitless Healing Possibilities

A common misconception is that EMDR is only effective for one-time traumatic events. Although it is highly effective for these types of traumas, EMDR’s effectiveness is far reaching and growing often as clinicians innovate new ways to use this treatment. EMDR has been proven effective for one-time traumatic events, complex trauma, eating disorders, anxiety, addictions, chronic pain, panic attacks, phobias, and more.

What to Expect During EMDR Sessions

Every client is different, therefore every EMDR session is going to look a little different, however there are a few key pieces to the process that most EMDR sessions will have.

EMDR is structured as three-pronged, focusing on the past, present, and future. A clinician will take a thorough history of the presenting issue. For a one-time trauma or specific phobia with a direct cause this could take a few minutes, whereas for complex trauma or addictions, this could be a multi-session process. The clinician will ask about how this issue presented in the past and may ask questions such as “When is the first time you remember feeling scared?”. They will then assess how the issue affects the client in the present day. Finally, they will assess how this issue affects the client in the future or what worries the client may have about how this issue may affect them.

The EMDR clinician will implement resourcing at the beginning of treatment and will call back to these skills throughout the process. Resourcing is similar to the idea of “coping skills” and is essentially creating a few safe spaces in the brain for the client to have on hand if they feel overwhelmed. An example is creating a “safe calm place” where the client feels neutral, calm, and comfortable. This is done through guided imagery and bilateral stimulation (BLS).

The clinician will facilitate EMDR processing using bilateral stimulation (BLS). BLS is the bread and butter of EMDR. It is what makes the brain put in the work to heal itself. BLS activates the client’s information processing system and taxes the working memory, allowing new, healthier, associations to form with the trauma memory. There are endless ways to get our brains working using BLS but the most common are following the clinician’s fingers with the eyes, following lights with the eyes, using “buzzers” that rapidly switch from hand to hand, and tapping the hands in a rhythmic motion. As the client shares how the memory affects them and the negative belief associated with the memory, such as “I am not safe”, the clinician will walk them through sets of BLS and will ask them to report what they are noticing.

Experiencing Life Without Triggers

Let’s revisit that car ride-the one that brought up the old memories of your car wreck like it was happening in the here-and-now. Imagine that you attend EMDR sessions and process the memory of the wreck. Your therapist walks you through the memory, helps you identify thoughts, images, and body sensations related to the memory, and uses BLS to facilitate processing. After a few sessions you reflect on how differently you feel when riding in a car. You decide to catch an Uber home from your session. You sit calmly in the car and as the driver turns onto the highway you notice that your body does not tense up, your heart rate remains steady, and no disturbing images come to mind. You can remember that you had a car wreck of course, but you tell yourself you are safe now and you believe that you are safe.

There is so much more to the complex world of EMDR, and every clinician and client will have different needs during the process. Finding a clinician that you feel comfortable and safe with will create space for meaningful and effective EMDR work together.

A MESSAGE FROM CONCENTRIC: We recognize various acts of violence, including gun violence range from one victim to multiple people, occur on a daily basis in certain communities (especially within certain parts of Chicago), and within homes and public places, such as schools and venues. We recognize all of these acts are traumatic and we want nothing more than for help and change to take place on various levels. EMDR is one of the many therapeutic tools and interventions that can help reduce the effects of traumatic responses.

For those who were deeply impacted by the devastating and horrific violence at The Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois, please know our sympathies and condolences are with you. We understand the impact of trauma and we truly hope all of you are able to obtain support from loved ones, community resources, and mental health providers.

For more information on EMDR therapy, please visit:




Gentle Embodiment

By Concentric Counselor Emily King, LCPC, NCC

When I notice frustration with frenetic Chicago energy, I often turn my mind towards the mountains. Grounding through imagery has brought me time and time again to the mountains of my childhood. Mount Timpanogos is one of seven major peaks found along Utah’s Wasatch Mountain Range and one of my personal sources of peace.

Years ago, a friend and I began hiking just after midnight to try and reach the summit at sunrise. I‘m reminded of the repetition of those first few hours hiking before daybreak. With time and the quiet repetition of climbing an unfamiliar trail, the mindless chatter of thoughts and anxieties shifted towards personal introspection. Early morning hiking requires a kind of concentration which often feels personally out of reach. I find such comfort within the continuous echo of climbing and breathwork.

The movement allowed me to shift into an individually rare meditative state as I began processing painful dissonance and identity uncertainty. As sunshine began to warm my face and the night became day, a knowing settled into my mind and body. My desire to fully separate from the insular religious culture I had always known and finally accept my queerness was made clear. I can point to those early morning hours as the beginning of my embodiment journey.

Mount Timpanogos Utah Concentric Counseling Chicago

The renowned trauma specialist and founder of the Somatic Experiencing (SE) method, Dr. Peter Levine, teaches that embodiment is the joining of one’s cognitive awareness and body-based sensations. The awareness and acceptance that our body is our own. The integration of somatic skills including resourcing, pendulation, and titration can encourage embodiment through gentle reminders that we are more than our minds. More than the solitude of sadness or the suffocation of anxiety.

Resourcing – Resourcing is the practice of inviting our mind/body to attune to sensations of safety or goodness, however small they may be. The process of attending to a felt sense of “okay-ness,” can aid in teaching our nervous system that it can experience stress and return to a state of calm. My resourcing involved intentionally bringing my awareness to that of my social community while allowing that awareness to be felt versus merely imagined.

Pendulation – Pendulation is the natural rhythm between states of expansion and contraction in the nervous system. A resilient nervous system is one that can move back and forth between alertness and action, and calm and rest without getting stuck at either extreme. Pendulation on my hike included allowing introspective moments to be interrupted by levity with my friend and fellow hikers.

Titration – Less is more, slow is best. Titration is the allowing of and honoring one’s desire to not disclose, to pause, and to separate throughout the healing process. I view titration as the autonomous ability to allow our healing to unfold naturally.

For many, it may not feel safe or possible to tune into one’s body sensations or felt sense. The felt sense may be seen as a source of trauma, pain, or hatred. So as not to reactivate our nervous system without proper preparation, it’s important to allow for versus demand embodiment. Trauma aware embodiment is marked by autonomy, invitations, and the ability to pause.

Meeting our body’s cues with curiosity can be one conduit for embodiment. I often encourage gentle movement and breathwork throughout the healing process as an invitation towards the embodied self. When noticing feelings of stuckness or judgment and for those who feel safe when engaging in breathwork, we can return again and again to our breath. Finding sources of anchoring and safety in one’s breath can allow us to join our bodies and orient to the present. Gentle embodiment communicates that we can shift the relationship with our bodies from one of contempt and disregard to one of safety and strength.

Reflection Prompts: Allow this to be a gentle reflective process where you can begin to tune into your body and mind.

·       Inviting a few moments of awareness, begin to notice a few body-based stressors (i.e., physical pain, clothing, sensory distress or overload, etc.).

·       Which emotions arise when noticing such sensations and stressors?

·       What might you need to anchor to your felt sense and validate your emotional experience?

·       Inviting you to call to mind ways others have supported you through body-based stress in the past. Noticing sensations linked to memories of support.

·       For each stressor, identify one compassion-based statement to turn towards when in distress. If possible, pairing the statement with gentle breathwork or tension/release movements can be incredibly regulating.

Utilizing moving meditation and reflective journaling can increase our ability to safely settle into ourselves, eventually inviting gentle embodiment. While individual and systematic barriers may discourage particular forms of mind/body awareness, my hope remains that embodiment can one day be seen as an accessible and democratized therapeutic tool. I know that the process of intentionally learning to notice and understand my body’s role in my healing has felt incredibly freeing.

Essential Workers & COVID: Time and Space for You

By Concentric Psychotherapist Kylie Cherpes, LCSW, MFT-IT, CYT

In times of great stress, such as now with the COVID-19 pandemic, we each find that we have our own unique way of getting through. Some people find comfort by burrowing in at home and disconnecting from constant reminders of their fears. Others juggle between caring for their vulnerable loved ones and carving out time to connect with the support that they themselves need. Some turn their stress into energy towards solving problems or creating something new. While others hit the ground running, called to serve their community. Though we are all under cumulative stress and doing our best to face changes in our day-to-day norms, some, such as Essential Workers, are being impacted exponentially. Essential Workers are being asked to do more and risk more, all while having less access to what would normally help them respond to and recover from their stress.  

Essential Workers continue their work in environments physically underprepared for a pandemic. In a time that feels precarious, Essential Workers are asked both to stay calm and to stay flexible while managing ever-changing recommendations on how to keep their workplace, selves, and families safe. They spend hours reading, learning, and preparing protocols and responses to “what-if” scenarios that breed uncertainty and anxiety. Even after all of the precautions they take, they wonder if it will be enough to keep their work-family safe. When they leave work to go home they find it hard to relax as guilt, worry, and fear about possibly carrying the virus home to their loved ones enters their mind. Though they may have reached for their family and friends for help, love, and reassurance before, it now seems too risky. Where they would go for support and stress relief before, like churches, gyms, bars, and social outings, are no longer options. And even when there is time for it, it is hard to get restful sleep. 


When unable to respond to stress, especially on-going (chronic) or traumatic stress, the body, mind, emotions, and spirit start to show wear and tear. Those under chronic stress may notice that raw feelings such as fear, anger, helplessness, and sadness seem to be lingering, or other common changes such as an increase in irritability, numbness, bitterness, or detachment (that “spaced-out” or “distant” feeling). Chronic stress can also show up as headaches, stomach aches, and muscle pain, or changes in appetite and sleep. Sometimes those under chronic stress may not even be the first to notice the impact it is having, but instead, those closest to them do. For instance, slips in memory or ability to recall information, mistakes at work that used to be uncommon, or shifts in hygiene and self-care regime may be noticed by work colleagues. Family and friends of those under chronic stress may see their loved one’s constant exhaustion, zoning out, adopting an abnormally cynical outlook on life, or lacking the ability to find pleasure in things they had once experienced as enjoyable. 

As therapists, we can close gaps in the care being offered to Essential Workers by providing access to the mental and emotional support they deserve. To support Essential Workers’ day-to-day functioning and healing, we hold space for them to process and release stress and trauma. Just as each Essential Worker has their own unique way of responding to their stress and trauma, each therapist has their own unique approach and is able to tailor care to each individual they work with. Whether it be brief or long-term, therapy is a safe place for self-expression and a secure place to find relief from fears, anxieties, anger, and sadness. Further, therapy is a place of creativity and strategy, used for building coping skills to reduce distress and restore feelings of stability and hope. 

At this time, we know that the Coronavirus is not going away anytime soon and that things may indeed get worse before they get better. We also know Essential Workers will continue to be asked to bear the brunt of this pandemic with limited space (time, resources, and support) to respond to their stress in their own unique ways. It is not an option to wait to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs resulting from the chronic and traumatic stress being endured by our Essential Workers. Unaddressed chronic and traumatic stress does not just go away, it accumulates. As therapists, we see the effects of these stressful days mounting on our Essential Workers, and we respond to say, “We are your Allies.”

Special Announcement: During April through May 2020, Concentric Counseling & Consulting is offering short-term telehealth and virtual video counseling to Essential Workers during these challenging times due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all incredibly grateful for all that you do and we want to give back! You can use your health insurance for teletherapy. Also, for those who do not have insurance coverage or have certain insurance plans and have endured financial hardship due to the impact of COVID, we are offering sliding fee and pro bono to a limited number of Essential Workers.

How to Open a Door When Coronavirus is Closing our Doors

By Concentric Owner Jennifer Larson, LCPC, NCC

Originally posted in The Sounds newspaper, Volume 43, Number 15 on April 4, 2020 and later in published in the Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association (IMHCA), a division of Illinois Counseling Association (ICA), News Update. Click here.

You know the saying “When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens”? During this time, we can’t help to notice closed doors everywhere, from schools to restaurants to places of worship to retailers. Even our home doors are closed, keeping others away and containing us inside.  It may seem overly optimistic to think this quote holds true during this extraordinary and challenging time with COVID-19 knocking on everyone’s door.  Alarm bells are sounded within us daily, the threats are real and experienced by so many, and some of us feel our life has been hijacked.  So how can we during this time envision doors opening up or experience something positive from all of this? 

I am by no means suggesting doors are flying wide-open given the sheer number of doors that are literally closed and even locked. But, if you can take a moment to pause, focus and be intentional, you may find that you can open doors to otherwise missed opportunities. 

Psychotherapist and author Esther Perel states when faced with our own existential anxieties it can open the door to fully living.  Some of us may have been living life on auto-pilot depriving ourselves of certain reflections, experiences or opportunities. So, what does living fully exactly mean?

It can mean a lot of things, but to start, it can mean experiencing each moment and each day in the here-and-now noticing and appreciating all of life’s offerings. Perhaps you had been more disconnected from yourself, no longer appreciating your talents, thoughts, feelings and your body’s capabilities -- which you can now fully appreciate.  Or taking a moment to get out of your head to be fully present and connected with another person can offer you an opportunity to be transported, experiencing life through a different lens other than your own.  Also, fully activating your senses can bring about a subtle, yet powerful sense of fully living.  Consider next time you take a walk outside, notice all of your surroundings paying attention to each of your senses. Notice your positive feelings as you attune to your senses.  

Shawn Achor, an educator, researcher, and author, offers a number of research-based ways to live a happier life. One of them is to take a few minutes each day to write down 1 positive experience within the last 24 hours and provide 3 rich details about that experience. Also, write down your gratitudes, giving specific details.  And reach out to someone to fully express why you appreciate them.  We know giving to others not only makes us feel better, but helps the person on the receiving end feel happier too.

And last, what is something you can look forward to when the shelter-at-home Executive Order is lifted and you can bust out the sheltered seams?  Will it be something specific such as dining at your favorite restaurant?  A ritual or practice you will reacquaint with again?  For me, it will be telling myself “I get to go here or I get do this” which represents a door opening into seeing how choice and freedom are true gifts.

Remember The Weatherperson?

By Concentric Counselor Christian Younginer, LPC, NCC

What We Wish Life Were Like

The Curiosity rover landed on Mars August 6th, 2012, the end of a flight that began November 26th, 2011-- 9 months prior. At its traveling speeds, all predetermined by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), scientists had to calculate where an orbiting planet would be 9 months from the moment of launch. In fact, they needed to know where Mars would be years in advance as they began building and programming the rover. They were able to plan for, predict, and pinpoint the location of a planet hurtling through space at 53,600 mph, rotating at 532 mph down to the meter to land a rover on its surface.

This is possible due to the predictability of the celestial bodies. Astronomers from thousands of years ago plotted out eclipses for hundreds of generations into the future, with impressive accuracy. It’s that there just aren’t very many variables in space; bodies in motion stay in motion, unless a force acts on them. And if no force does, they keep on trucking. Thus, their location is predictable. This does not mean that any part of landing a rover on another planet is easy--it’s just possible.


What Life Is Actually Like

Conversely, it is a common occurrence that shuttle launches are cancelled, last minute, tanks fueled, on the pad- due to weather… Earth weather. A shuttle, bound for space, to another planet, is grounded because humans cannot accurately predict the weather more than a couple of days out. And even then it can be a crapshoot. 

The reason for this comes down to something much more akin to living life: variables and information. There are simply too many variables to predict and too much information we’re not able to know. For example, if I knew the direction and velocity of every air particle on Earth, I could give you an accurate weather model. Obviously, this is not possible. So we’re left making educated guesses, working with what we have, and most importantly a social understanding that forecasts are guesses, not gospel. With this understanding comes a grace--sometimes annoyance--but a grace for being wrong. An ‘it’s out of our hands’ amenableness that wonderfully conflicts with the modern American desire for planning, preparation, and predictability. 

What Can We Do?

So often we try to plan for every eventuality, scrutinizing the details, languishing in an anxious mire of a desire for control, only to see our plans crash into a Martian hillside, due to an unforeseen variable. 

Often, the anxious try to view life with such a level of predictability. Hopes that the world will fit into plans and preparations, only to be disappointed when something unaccounted for goes awry. Often times this desire for control flows into our lives as a nagging generalized anxiety, a worry for all things in an effort to be prepared for every outcome. We wish life were as predictable as space travel. As oxymoronic as it sounds, going about our day may be more complicated than rocket science. And we tell ourselves that the stakes are just as high. 

As mentioned in regards to weather, the secret lies in the ability to tolerate the ambiguity of an uncertain system. We can be disappointed with an inaccurate weather report, but continue on to the next day. Yes it can suck when it rains when the news said it wouldn’t, but we don’t hold ourselves responsible for the outcome. In our own lives, we can place an enormous amount of responsibility on ourselves, often for things not in our control. We can assault ourselves with a barrage of ‘should have planned for it’ , ‘should have seen it coming’, or ‘should have done it differently’. All of which are the equivalent of looking at Tuesday’s weather and telling yourself you should’ve known that on Monday. 

Maybe we can have the same grace for the weatherperson, AND with ourselves. If we get it wrong, be disappointed for a bit, be annoyed, but let it go. Tomorrow is another day to try again. If we find ourselves feeling anxious about the ambiguity of life, rather than try to think out the outcomes, what if we gave ourselves permission to feel anxious for a bit? Feeling anxious about the ambiguity of every day is not a failing, but rather an admission to one’s self that we don’t have enough information. And instead of punishing ourselves for trying to know something we can’t, maybe we can have a little grace with ourselves, and remember the weatherperson. 

Where’s My Person? Complexities of Adult Friendships

By Concentric Counselor Kelsey Lamm Rottmuller, LPC, NCC

How do I feel by the end of the day? / Are you sad because you're on your own? / No, I get by with a little help from my friends — With a Little Help from My Friends | The Beatles

There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you / We stick together and can see it through / 'Cause you've got a friend in me — You’ve Got a Friend in Me | Randy Newman

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends / (Gotta get with my friends) / Make it last forever, friendship never ends — Wannabe | The Spice Girls

And as our lives change / Come whatever / We will still be / Friends forever — Graduation (Friends Forever) | Vitamin C

Having come of age listening to song lyrics like these, and wistfully witnessing the implausible but admirable portrayal of kinship in the 90s sitcom Friends, I,  like many adults, developed certain ideas and expectations about friendship. For example, I grew up believing one should have a best friend and know how to not only make friends but keep those friendships thriving into adulthood.

But what happens when making friends isn’t as simple as swapping parts of your lunch with a classmate, or performing in the school play together? Even in college, school and extracurricular activities provided fertile ground in which the seeds of friendship could blossom, helped along by common interests and schedules structured around shared classes. Once the structured environment of school is removed and we are left to choose our own adventures, the work of maintaining and definition of friendship seems to dramatically shift for many adults. What perhaps once came relatively easily, now actually takes planning, work, and dedication.


In her Psychology Today article 5 Lies About Adult Friendships, Dr. Miriam Kirmayer unpacks and debunks commonly-held myths about friendships in adulthood. Primarily among these is that “by early adulthood, we should know how to make friends and handle the challenges that come with these relationships; that these are skills we learn early in childhood and adolescence, and that by the time we leave college or even high school, we should have it ‘figured out.’ The problem is, not only is this belief untrue, it can make us feel like we’re the only person who struggles and leaves us feeling disappointed, ashamed, or alone. This, in turn, makes it much less likely that we will reach out for guidance or support if (or when) we do struggle.”

The Struggle is Real

I’ve heard from clients, colleagues and compadres alike how challenging it can be to keep friendships alive, reciprocated, and not feeling like one more thing on a never-ending to-do list. Despite all the best intentions, life as an adult becomes increasingly busy as we fill our time with work, family, continued education, and expanding responsibilities. People move away, start families, follow jobs and hustle hard to build a life. This can leave little time and space for what feels like the luxury of friendship.

A friend from college once told me (before moving away and starting a family) that “being friends as an adult means you take turns texting each other ‘we should get together soon’ repeatedly until you die.” While that statement seemed morbid and pessimistic at the time, it also resonated with me as one of the many struggles faced in adult friendships. Everyone is so busy. Not spending time investing in and invigorating friendships can simultaneously feel like an uphill battle and a source of regret or shame.

Then there are those ‘rites of passage’ in adulthood that can make the lack of a best friend or even close friends acutely apparent. In the 2009 buddy/romance film I Love You Man, we see played out the challenge that can arise when one finds a partner to whom they want to commit but struggles to identify a platonic companion to stand by their side. This film has come up in my work time and again when discussing the loneliness and isolation experienced by clients who struggle similarly to identify close companions outside of family or casual work acquaintances. But why do we feel so driven toward close friendships? Why doesn’t simply having a safe, stable life, perhaps even shared with a romantic partner seem like enough?

The Psychology

In his Psychosocial Development Theory, ego psychologist Erik Erikson posited that young adults (defined by Erikson as ages 19-40 yrs) enter the Intimacy vs. Isolation (Sixth Stage) of development, in which they seek to resolve developmental conflicts related to emotionally intimate relationships. These relationships may be romantic and/or platonic in nature. Erikson believed that failure to resolve said conflicts by establishing close relationships could result in an experience of isolation and loneliness. According to the psychology, this sharing of self with others drives not only our romantic partnering, but also our urge to host a game night, share a multi-hour brunch, or schedule that phone call to dissect the latest Star Wars movie with our World of Warcraft guild buddy.

Psychosocial theory also suggests that a strong sense of self enables us to form intimate interpersonal relationships. Hence, feeling disconnected or unclear about our identity during adolescence - who am I? - can contribute to the struggles faced when striving for friendships as young adults. Sequentially, failure to master the formation of lasting relationships can then additionally hinder us from ‘making our mark on the world’, which is the major task of Erikson’s Generativity vs. Stagnation (Seventh Stage) of development (ages 40-65 yrs).

With each developmental stage building or even hinging upon the completion of its predecessor, it makes sense that we would feel pressure to create and maintain friendships even if we are not sure why or tend to err on the side of introversion. How can I ever Pass Go and Collect $200 – or more so – contribute to the world at large and create greater fulfillment, if I don’t have any close friends?

What Can Be Done?

First and foremost, know that you are not alone. As Dr. Kirmayer notes, it is far from uncommon to struggle with friendship as an adult. Often times, our self-imposed beliefs about how a friendship should look, or roles we are meant to play as friends get in our way more than they motivate growth. If you notice yourself falling prey to the ‘shoulds’ and ‘have-tos’, it can be helpful to challenge and reframe those beliefs, by replacing “I really should call my college roommate back” to “I want to call them, I miss our connection”. Chances are, your friends are equally as busy and will be equally as understanding and appreciative to hear from you – even if just for a quick 10-minute catch-up while you finally fold that pile of clean laundry that’s been staring you down from atop the dresser for the past week. Small steps are ok.

A quick “I’m thinking” about you text – or even better, an actual card via snail mail still tells someone they are thought of and valued. It also goes much further than a “like” on social media or racking yourself with guilt to sustain the friendship. Lean into what brings you together rather than what pulls you apart. Did you first bond over a mutual love of quirky 80’s movies? Maybe it’s time for a movie night. You can debate the most quintessential piece of John Hughes’ filmography or how well or not The Breakfast Club translates to a post-baby-boomer demographic rather than bemoaning how you never see each other anymore despite living less than 30 minutes apart. It doesn’t have to be expensive. If going out for dinner or drinks is not in the budget while you save for a down payment on that first home or even just tickets to that music festival you’ve been pining for – perhaps split the cost of ingredients or encourage BYOB and host a make-your-own-pizza kind of night.

Finally, if you find yourself struggling with emotional intimacy in general or feel paralyzed by social anxiety or depression, consider reaching out to a trained therapist or a support group. There are those that want to help, if we let them and can find the courage to ask. It takes strength to reach out for help and trust someone – friend or otherwise – in which to confide.

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down a road and back again
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant

Thank You for Being a Friend | Andrew Gold